Thursday, July 31, 2014
Nohooka' Dine' meeting for protection of wild horses Aug 3, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Palestine: Another Sand Creek Massacre

By Brenda Norrell
Bolivian President Evo Morales declared Israel a terrorist state and five Latin American countries withdrew their ambassadors. As Palestinian children are being murdered at United Nations schools and shelters, Native Americans voice their solidarity with Palestine.
Mohawk Nation News said, "The Zionist butchers massacring the Palestinians in Gaza are the same interests that carried out the genocide of 150 million indigenous people in the western hemisphere. Like with us, the British set up the genocide. Just like the Palestinian, every inch of our land is illegally occupied."On the Navajo Nation, Navajos protested the relationship between the Navajo Nation government, and President Ben Shelly, and the country of Israel.
Melanie Yazzie, member of Dine' for Sanctions Against Israel, said Navajos are standing against war criminals.
Andrew Curley, Dine', said, "The Palestinians have a right to sovereignty and self-determination in the same way (Navajo) have a right to sovereignty and self-determination."
Native Americans protested in Flagstaff, carrying signs that said, "Free Big Mountain, Free Palestine." Big Mountain is in the heart of forced relocation on the Navajo Nation brought about by Peabody Coal, which fuels one of the dirtiest coal-fired power plants in the world, the Navajo Generating Station on the Navajo Nation, responsible for decades of misery for Navajos on Black Mesa in Arizona.Before his death, Russell Means, Lakota, said, "Every policy now the Palestinians are enduring was practiced on the American Indian."
On the Tohono O'odham Nation, grassroots O'odham activists are outraged that US Homeland Security gave the southern border surveillance contract to the Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems. Elbit is responsible for the Apartheid border security surrounding Palestine. Elbit now has the contract to continue constructing US spy towers on sovereign Tohono O'odham land in Arizona, spy towers which are pointed at traditional O'odham homes and not at the border.
With the images of murdered children in Palestine, there is the memory of one of the most brutal massacres in the US, at Sand Creek in Colorado, where Cheyenne and Arapaho toddlers were shot and pregnant women were bayoneted by US soldiers.
Read more:
"El Salvador, Chile, Peru, Brazil and Ecuador have all recalled their ambassadors, while Brazil,Argentina, Venezuela, Uruguay and Paraguay have suspended the Free Trade Agreement talks, demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza."
MNN: From Wounded Knee to Gaza Massacre
Navajos protest Navajo government relationship with Israel
Russell Means: Breaking the silence on Obama
Apartheid Israeli company received US border contract
Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state
Google search: Photos children killed in Palestine
Monday, December 10, 2012
Navajo President meeting with Israeli Apartheid government
Grassroots Navajos outraged, call Navajo president 'war machine puppet'
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Dec. 10, 2012
Navajo President Ben Shelly
Navajos reacted swiftly today to the news that Navajo President Ben Shelly is meeting with the Apartheid government of Israel today. The news comes the same day that Native American musician and poet Joy Harjo rejected a petition from Native Americans and Palestinians to cancel her performance in Israel.
Outraged grassroots Navajos called Shelly a "war machine puppet."
Louise Benally, Dine' resisting relocation at Big Mountain, Arizona, said, "Ben should stay in Israel, to learn how to farm, they are only puppets for the war machines."
"Is he learning how to farm food, or weapons of mass destruction?" said Benally, among those on Black Mesa who say the Navajo Nation government is a puppet government of the US, which abandoned them for coal mining and power plant dollars.
Reacting to Shelly being in Israel, grassroots Navajos quoted Russell Means.
Means said, “Every policy the Palestinians are now enduring was practiced on the American Indian. What the American Indian Movement says is that the American Indians are the Palestinians of the United States, and the Palestinians are the American Indians of the Middle East,” Means said in 2009 before he became ill with cancer. Further, Means pointed out that the Zionists who control Israel now control the United States. “The power of the US in world politics diminishes every day.”
Shelly said in a statement that he is meeting with Israeli leaders to improve agriculture.
Agriculture, however, is already a controversial issue for the Navajo Nation government.
The Navajo farm, Navajo Agricultural Products Industry, near Farmington, N.M. has promoted Monsanto's genetically modified seeds for years, while other Indigenous Peoples around the world were burning those seeds. By now, those genetically modified seeds would have cross pollinated with traditional nearby Dine' crops.
Indian Country Today censored exposure of another fact about NAPI: Raytheon Missiles has a factory on NAPI farm land where commercial crops are grown for potato chips and other food products. Indian Country Today censored this fact during trade negotiations between the Navajo Nation and Cuba in 2006. Raytheon Missiles continues today to have the factory where the Navajo Nation grows corn, wheat, barley and other crops.
Shelly said he will be learning about Israel's new technology.
Tohono O'odham, on their homeland on the US/Mexico border in southern Arizona, say Israel's Apartheid technology is already being used against them. Israel's defense contractor, Elbit Systems, was subcontracted by Boeing for the border wall and spy technology on the Arizona border, using similar technology Elbit used on the Apartheid border of Palestine.
Shelly will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu December 12, 2012. Navajo radio station KTNN reported that Shelly will meet with the Prime Minister and "begin dialogue on nation to nation relations and invite him to the Navajo Nation for future talks." Shelly arrived Saturday in Tel Aviv and plans to leave on Friday.
Shelly and First Lady Mrs. Shelly are in Israel for a week to meet with dignitaries of the Knesset, Israel’s legislative body, and the Ministry of Agriculture, according to a press statement. Shelly will meet with the Christian Allies Caucus of the Israeli Knesset, which includes members from six of 13 political parties in Israel. The caucus is chaired by David Rotem, who also serves as chair of the Knesset Committee for Law and Justice.
Shelly press statement
Also see:
Louise Benally, censored by Indian Country Today, when she compared the war in Iraq with the Long Walk and imprisonment to war in Iraq
Navajo President Ben Shelly
Par Brenda Norrell
Indigenous Resistance
30 juillet 2014
See original article in English
Traduction Christine Prat
Le Président Bolivien Evo Morales a déclaré Israël Etat Terroriste et cinq pays d’Amérique du sud ont rappelé leurs ambassadeurs. Alors que des enfants Palestiniens sont assassinés dans des écoles des Nations Unies, les Autochtones d’Amérique expriment leur solidarité avec la Palestine.
Mohawk Nation News a écrit : « Les bouchers Sionistes qui massacrent les Palestiniens de Gaza représentent les mêmes intérêts que ceux qui ont commis le génocide de 150 millions d’Autochtones dans l’hémisphère occidentale. Tout comme pour nous, les Britanniques ont initié le génocide. Tout comme pour les Palestiniens, chaque centimètre de notre terre est occupé illégalement. »
Dans la Nation Navajo, des Navajos protestent contre les relations entre le gouvernement de la Nation Navajo et le Président Ben Shelly, et l’état d’Israël.
Melanie Yazzie, membre de Diné [Navajos] pour des Sanctions Contre Israël, dit que les Navajos s’opposent à des criminels de guerre.
Andrew Curley, Diné [Navajo], déclare : « Les Palestiniens ont droit à la souveraineté et l’autodétermination tout comme (les Navajos) ont droit à la souveraineté et l’autodétermination. »
Des Amérindiens ont manifesté à Flagstaff avec des pancartes disant « Libérez Big Mountain, Libérez la Palestine. » Big Mountain est au cœur de la région de déportation forcée, dans la Nation Navajo, causée par la firme Peabody Coal, qui alimente l’une des centrales électriques au charbon les plus polluantes du monde, la ‘Navajo Generating Station’ dans la Réserve Navajo, responsable de décennies de malheur pour les Navajos de Black Mesa en Arizona.
Avant sa mort, Russell Means, Lakota, a déclaré : « toutes les politiques que subissent maintenant les Palestiniens ont été mises en pratique contre les Indiens d’Amérique. »
Dans le territoire de la Nation Tohono O’odham, des activistes O’odham de base sont scandalisés du fait que la Sécurité Intérieure des Etats-Unis aient accordé un contrat pour la surveillance de la frontière sud à l’entrepreneur Israélien Elbit Systems. Elbit est responsable de la sécurité de la frontière de l’Apartheid cernant la Palestine. Elbit a maintenant un contrat pour continuer à construire des tours d’espionnage US en territoire souverain Tohono O’odham, en Arizona. Ces tours de surveillance sont pointées vers des habitations traditionnelles O’odham, pas vers la frontière.
Les images d’enfants assassinés en Palestine évoquent la mémoire d’un des pires massacres des Etats-Unis, à Sand Creek, dans le Colorado, où des bambins Cheyenne et Arapaho ont été fusillés et des femmes enceintes tuées à coup de baïonnettes par des soldats des Etats-Unis.
Par Brenda Norrell
Indigenous Resistance
30 juillet 2014
See original article in English
Traduction Christine Prat
Indigenous Resistance
30 juillet 2014
See original article in English
Traduction Christine Prat
Le Président Bolivien Evo Morales a déclaré Israël Etat Terroriste et cinq pays d’Amérique du sud ont rappelé leurs ambassadeurs. Alors que des enfants Palestiniens sont assassinés dans des écoles des Nations Unies, les Autochtones d’Amérique expriment leur solidarité avec la Palestine.
Mohawk Nation News a écrit : « Les bouchers Sionistes qui massacrent les Palestiniens de Gaza représentent les mêmes intérêts que ceux qui ont commis le génocide de 150 millions d’Autochtones dans l’hémisphère occidentale. Tout comme pour nous, les Britanniques ont initié le génocide. Tout comme pour les Palestiniens, chaque centimètre de notre terre est occupé illégalement. »
Dans la Nation Navajo, des Navajos protestent contre les relations entre le gouvernement de la Nation Navajo et le Président Ben Shelly, et l’état d’Israël.
Melanie Yazzie, membre de Diné [Navajos] pour des Sanctions Contre Israël, dit que les Navajos s’opposent à des criminels de guerre.
Andrew Curley, Diné [Navajo], déclare : « Les Palestiniens ont droit à la souveraineté et l’autodétermination tout comme (les Navajos) ont droit à la souveraineté et l’autodétermination. »
Des Amérindiens ont manifesté à Flagstaff avec des pancartes disant « Libérez Big Mountain, Libérez la Palestine. » Big Mountain est au cœur de la région de déportation forcée, dans la Nation Navajo, causée par la firme Peabody Coal, qui alimente l’une des centrales électriques au charbon les plus polluantes du monde, la ‘Navajo Generating Station’ dans la Réserve Navajo, responsable de décennies de malheur pour les Navajos de Black Mesa en Arizona.
Avant sa mort, Russell Means, Lakota, a déclaré : « toutes les politiques que subissent maintenant les Palestiniens ont été mises en pratique contre les Indiens d’Amérique. »
Dans le territoire de la Nation Tohono O’odham, des activistes O’odham de base sont scandalisés du fait que la Sécurité Intérieure des Etats-Unis aient accordé un contrat pour la surveillance de la frontière sud à l’entrepreneur Israélien Elbit Systems. Elbit est responsable de la sécurité de la frontière de l’Apartheid cernant la Palestine. Elbit a maintenant un contrat pour continuer à construire des tours d’espionnage US en territoire souverain Tohono O’odham, en Arizona. Ces tours de surveillance sont pointées vers des habitations traditionnelles O’odham, pas vers la frontière.
Les images d’enfants assassinés en Palestine évoquent la mémoire d’un des pires massacres des Etats-Unis, à Sand Creek, dans le Colorado, où des bambins Cheyenne et Arapaho ont été fusillés et des femmes enceintes tuées à coup de baïonnettes par des soldats des Etats-Unis.
Mohawk Nation News a écrit : « Les bouchers Sionistes qui massacrent les Palestiniens de Gaza représentent les mêmes intérêts que ceux qui ont commis le génocide de 150 millions d’Autochtones dans l’hémisphère occidentale. Tout comme pour nous, les Britanniques ont initié le génocide. Tout comme pour les Palestiniens, chaque centimètre de notre terre est occupé illégalement. »
Dans la Nation Navajo, des Navajos protestent contre les relations entre le gouvernement de la Nation Navajo et le Président Ben Shelly, et l’état d’Israël.
Melanie Yazzie, membre de Diné [Navajos] pour des Sanctions Contre Israël, dit que les Navajos s’opposent à des criminels de guerre.
Andrew Curley, Diné [Navajo], déclare : « Les Palestiniens ont droit à la souveraineté et l’autodétermination tout comme (les Navajos) ont droit à la souveraineté et l’autodétermination. »
Des Amérindiens ont manifesté à Flagstaff avec des pancartes disant « Libérez Big Mountain, Libérez la Palestine. » Big Mountain est au cœur de la région de déportation forcée, dans la Nation Navajo, causée par la firme Peabody Coal, qui alimente l’une des centrales électriques au charbon les plus polluantes du monde, la ‘Navajo Generating Station’ dans la Réserve Navajo, responsable de décennies de malheur pour les Navajos de Black Mesa en Arizona.
Avant sa mort, Russell Means, Lakota, a déclaré : « toutes les politiques que subissent maintenant les Palestiniens ont été mises en pratique contre les Indiens d’Amérique. »
Dans le territoire de la Nation Tohono O’odham, des activistes O’odham de base sont scandalisés du fait que la Sécurité Intérieure des Etats-Unis aient accordé un contrat pour la surveillance de la frontière sud à l’entrepreneur Israélien Elbit Systems. Elbit est responsable de la sécurité de la frontière de l’Apartheid cernant la Palestine. Elbit a maintenant un contrat pour continuer à construire des tours d’espionnage US en territoire souverain Tohono O’odham, en Arizona. Ces tours de surveillance sont pointées vers des habitations traditionnelles O’odham, pas vers la frontière.
Les images d’enfants assassinés en Palestine évoquent la mémoire d’un des pires massacres des Etats-Unis, à Sand Creek, dans le Colorado, où des bambins Cheyenne et Arapaho ont été fusillés et des femmes enceintes tuées à coup de baïonnettes par des soldats des Etats-Unis.
Evo Morales,
Mohawk Nation News,
Navajo Nation,
Sand Creek,
war crimes
UTE LAND: Tar sands strip mine stopped for week
Video: Work stopped ALL WEEK at tar sands strip mine!
Posted on July 29, 2014 by Utah Tar Sands Resistance|
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On Monday, July 21, a mass mobilization following a week-long action camp halted construction at U.S. Oil Sands’ tar sands strip mine all day. But those of us maintaining a permanent presence in the area under threat noticed something else: work on the site they’ve been bulldozing hasn’t resumed since then.
U.S. Oil Sands has suffered a shock on two fronts this week: popular resistance, and the legal realm. The face that mass numbers of people from Utah and around the region are taking decisive action to halt the project certainly must alarm company reps and investors. Equally alarming is the EPA’s recent revelation that part of the area U.S. Oil Sands is currently bulldozing is actually Indian country, destroyed without any permission or even notification to the tribe.
Aside from the Ute Tribe’s own permitting, the EPA has its own permitting process that U.S. Oil Sands must attempt to navigate. And having already destroyed the land it had no legal right to, the company may now have quite a mess to clean up.
Meanwhile, Living Rivers and Western Resource Advocates, the groups that have been working through the courts to halt the mining, are moving forward with a case that’s stronger than ever. And those of us on the group are watching, documenting, getting ready for the next wave of action, and crying out as loudly as we an about the injustice of what is happening here.
Galeano Vive!
Free Speech Radio "Artists stand before Zapatista supporters in La Realidad during an homage to fallen compañero Galeano, killed in a paramilitary attack against Zapatista members in La Realidad on May 2, 2014. Thousands gathered to show there digna rabia, or dignified rage, and demand justice and an end to the on-going violence directed towards Zapatista indigenous communities in Chiapas. The May 2nd attack was the first such attack directly in a Zapatista Caracol, or Cultural Center of Resistance and Autonomous Governance."
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Hunger Strike: Grassy Narrows Mercury Poisoning
Mohawk Nation News 'From Wounded Knee to Gaza Massacre'
Posted on July 29, 2014

MNN. July 29, 2014. The Zionist butchers massacring the Palestinians in Gaza are the same interests that carried out the genocide of 150 million indigenous people in the western hemisphere. Like with us, the British set up the genocide. Just like the Palestinian, every inch of our land is illegally occupied.
US, Canada and Britain are behind Israel’s program of genocide against humanity and Mother Earth. These three corporate entities point to us as the example for Israel to follow. That is why Harper, Obama and Cameron have unending support to the Zionists to cover their historic crimes committed in the Western Hemisphere. Their aim is complete annihilation of the Palestinians and total theft of all their land.
Every country in the world sits idly by and watches Israel commit its “made for tv war crimes”. How many houses and women are they obliterating today? The world is being conditioned to do as they’re told.
Those observing the conflict on tv are changing the outcome according to the laws of quantum mechanics. A series of conferences at Solvay in Brussels of the greatest scientists [Einstein, Eisenbach, Curie, Bohn…] discovered that the outcome of an experiment always changes when there is an observer.
The front for Zionism is a nationalist movement to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Zionism actually is the monetization of everything, even thought. Whoever has the most money makes the rules. Zionism is the 51% dictating their will to 49%. It is the majority of one vote of the corporate shareholders who will always control the outcome. The Great Peace is 50-50, which means equality for all people. The outcome has to be worked out to everyone’s best interests, which is the only route to peace on earth.
The Palestinians need the women of the world to come to their aid.
As Pink Floyd laments: “Mother, do you think they’ll drop the bomb?” Pink Floyd. “Mother”.
Watch the Zionist story: Who are the Zionists.
Palestinian Resistance. Susan Abdulhawa.
Zionists rule the world. Video.
MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit
Monday, July 28, 2014
CALIF: Tribal Voices Radio
By James Brown Eagle
Indigenous Resistance
Tribal Voices Radio REPLAY today from 2:00-3:00 PM on KPFZ 88.1 FM Lake County, CA. reading of article: 18 things white people seem to not understand, because of "White Privilege, MNN article on Gaza and discussion on ICWA & CPA. Streaming at (type in kpfz) "All My Relations."
SEATTLE Lock-down on the train tracks 'NO!' to big oil!
Photos courtesy Rising Tide Seattle
By Emily Johnston
7:45am, Monday, July 28, 2014, Anacortes Tesoro Refinery
ANACORTES, Wash -- Three residents of Anacortes and Seattle are currently blockading the oil train facility at Tesoro’s Anacortes Refinery by locking their bodies to barrels full of concrete. Supported by local residents, the three are demanding an immediate halt to the shipment of explosive Bakken oil through Northwest communities, the rejection of all new oil-by-rail terminals proposed for the Northwest, and an end to the refinery’s repeated violations of the Clean Air Act.
“Thursday’s derailment was the last straw,” says Jan Woodruff, an Anacortes resident. “If Federal and State regulators won’t stand up to the fossil fuel companies endangering our communities, then we, the people of those communities, will do so.”
Last Thursday, July 24th, an oil train bound for Tesoro’s Anacortes Refinery derailed in Seattle, highlighting the dangers posed to Northwest communities. Between nine and sixteen oil trains travel through Seattle and Mount Vernon every week – about five of which are bound for the Tesoro refinery. The day before Thursday’s frightening derailment, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and all nine City Council members sent a letter to the Department of Transportation asking for an immediate halt of oil-by-rail shipments through Seattle.
Despite the extreme controversy over the transport of explosive Bakken Oil, all three of Washington’s oil-by-rail terminals were permitted without full environmental review or robust public consultation, through an obscure local process called a “mitigated determination of non-significance.” The same process was used to approve terminals at the Port of Gray’s Harbor and Shell’s Puget Sound Refinery before being reversed by legal challenges and public opposition.
“It’s no surprise that an industry willing to sacrifice the entire planet to catastrophic climate change doesn’t see a few vaporized towns and cities as ‘significant’” says Adam Gaya, a Seattle resident and member of the group Rising Tide Seattle. “With recent disasters and the accelerating climate crisis we shouldn’t even be considering new oil infrastructure.”
Tesoro’s Anacortes Refinery is no stranger to accidents. In 2010 it was the site of an explosion that killed seven workers; the company was later determined to have committed 39 “willful” and five “serious” violations of safety regulations. Both Anacortes refineries are also longtime Clean Air Act “High Priority Violators”, and Tesoro has announced that new railcars it purchases will be equipped to transport tar sands bitumen. Refineries that process tar sands have higher emissions of pollutants like sulfur dioxide and are more prone to explosions.
“Tesoro and the others are bad actors. If any other group of people exposed us to these risks, they’d be locked up,” says Annette Klapstein, a retired lawyer from Bainbridge Island. “This kind of resistance may seem extreme, but these are extreme times…and the resistance to this craziness won’t end with us.”
O'odham honor Zapatistas Galeano Aug 2, 2014
O'odham honor Zapatistas Galeano Aug 2, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Zapatistas 'Just so you know' July 26, 2014
Zapatistas 'Just so you know' July 26, 2014
July 2014
By Subcomandante Moises
![]() |
Trucking to La Realidad photo by Brenda Norrell |
Indigenous Resistance
To the compañer@s of the Sixth in Mexico and in the world:
To all those who supported us in the reconstruction of the school and the clinic that belong to thecompañeros of La Realidad:
Greetings from the Zapatistas.
We want to inform you of the following:
1. Upon hearing that the National Indigenous Congress still lacks adequate funds to travel to the exchange in the Caracol of La Realidad, the Zapatista compañeros and compañeras from the community of La Realidad have decided to use part of the $958,646.26 Mexican pesos that they received for reconstruction in La Realidad to support this travel.
2. According to the accounts the CNI sent us, they need approximately $200,000 (two hundred thousandpesos). They already have a part of this from donations sent by musicians, compas of the Sixth in Mexico and the world, and other good people who have supported them without any self-interest. But they don’t have sufficient funds to cover the rental costs of the trucks that will take them to CIDECI in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, which is where we are going to pick them up to bring them to Zapatista Reality [La Realidad].
3. The Zapatista bases of support in La Realidad are the ones who received the support you all sent for the reconstruction of what the CIOAC-Histórica destroyed, so we consulted them about this budget problem that the compañeros and compañeras of the CNI are having. We consulted the bases of support because that money belongs to them, not to the EZLN; we just function as their voice to ask for and receive support, which we hand over to them as it arrives. In other words, we as the EZLN cannot decide what to do with that money. We explained to the Zapatista compas of La Realidad that this money was given to support their community reconstruction, and that if it is to be used for something else we have to consult them. We can’t act like the bad government who says the money is for one thing and then uses it for another. So that’s what we explained.
4. The compas in Zapatista La Realidad got together and decided to contribute $59,000 (fifty-nine thousandpesos) to support the National Indigenous Congress’ travel to the exchange that we will hold here soon. They agreed to offer this support, and they told us to let you know about this agreement so that there wouldn’t be any deceit or misunderstandings.
5. So, according to the last report that we gave you, there remain $899,646.26 (eight hundred ninety-nine thousand, six hundred and forty-six pesos and twenty-six cents Mexican pesos). We still have to see if more comes in, but we will let you know.
I also want to tell you that we have finished the construction work for the exchange with the brothers and sisters of the indigenous peoples, and we are now putting on the finishing touches in order to have everything ready to joyfully receive our invitees.
Next comes the construction of the new school and clinic, which will also be undertaken with joy. Because what those above destroy, we below will rebuild.
That’s all the information I have for you for now.
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.
Mexico, July 2014. In the twentieth year of the war against oblivion.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Navajo Nation Council Rescinds Uranium Mining Legislation, Groups to Push for Clean Up
By Leona Morgan, Diné NO NUKES
Jonathan Perry, ENDAUM
Navajo Nation Council Rescinds Mining Legislation
Navajo Nation Council Rescinds Mining Legislation
WINDOW ROCK, AZ—Concerned Diné Citizens, a coalition of Navajo grassroots organizations and residents opposed to uranium mining, applaud the Navajo Nation Council’s vote to close a loophole created by a previous uranium mining legislation Tuesday (7/22/14) which had authorized access over Navajo Trust Land to a uranium mining company Uranium Resources Incorporated (URI).
“If Uranium Resources were allowed unlimited access over Trust Land in Churchrock, that would have potentially opened up new mining on URI’s other properties in northwestern New Mexico,” said Jonathan Perry, President of Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining. Perry continues, “Because these kinds of companies target areas adjacent to the Nation, but not on Navajo Indian Country, our own laws prohibiting new uranium mining cannot protect people in the checkerboard lands.”
Unist'ot'en Camp Evicts A TransCanada Helicopter Crew
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Utah tar sands protesters arrested, met police brutality
Support Utah Land Defenders!
After a massive direct action protest today at the site of U.S. Oil Sands’ tar sands strip-mining site, a total of 21 were arrested and are currently awaiting charges at Uintah County Jail in Vernal, Utah. In addition to protestors, those acting as legal observers, independent media, and jail support were arrested, as well as several indigenous and trans individuals whose safety we are deeply concerned about.
Early this morning land defenders locked themselves to equipment being used to clear-cut and grade an area designated for the tar sands’ companies processing plant, as well as a fenced “cage” used to store the equipment. Others formed a physical blockade with their bodies to keep work from happening, and to protect those locked-down to the equipment. Banners were also hung off the cage that read: “You are trespassing on Ute land” and “Respect Existence or Expect Resistance.”
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